
Friday Sep 13, 2024
Friday Sep 13, 2024
The invisible radiation spectrum in our environment can affect different people in different ways, depending on their sensitivity. If we can’t handle the level of exposures, we can develop chronic fatigue, headaches, metabolic syndrome, sleep disorder, anxiety, terrible mood swings, cancer and more. This is because those fields stress and depolarise our body’s own electrical field, therefore weakening our protections and resilience. There is however another level of stress caused by emotional trauma, which causes disease in the body. The background field of information, which is the ideal of what we are supposed to be (ie. our DNA blueprint), becomes corrupted by excessive stress and unresolved emotional traumas long before disease manifests in the physical body. Eventually cells obey the command of the field, so that they manifest a stronger more physical version of the corruption in the field. Find out how to correct the corruption in the field, resolve deep long held emotional issues, and restore cellular equilibrium and optimal health.
My special guest today is Sophia Torrini, who has a Master’s in Public Health/Epidemiology, and is an advanced student and NCS certified trainer under the mentorship of Dr. Joe Dispenza.

Friday Sep 06, 2024
The Problem with Periods For Active Women - With Alison Yamamoto
Friday Sep 06, 2024
Friday Sep 06, 2024
50% of women who exercise experience menstrual disturbances. Stress has a major impact on fertility and regular periods. It’s not only psychological stress or sleep deprivation, but excessive exercise can also cause periods to stop. My special guest today is Allison Yamomoto, a mentor and health coach for the active woman. She was an NCAA cheerleader at UC Berkeley before running half & full marathons (including the Boston Marathon), and knows only too well the pitfalls of over-exercise for women.

Thursday Aug 29, 2024
How Nerves are Affected by the Musculo-Skeletal System - with Dr Jess Harvey
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
When people feel pain their first reaction tends to be to reach for a tablet, but NSAIDS like Nurafen and Voltaren can become addictive. What if chronic inflammation keeps tormenting you? How can you get out of that revolving door?
My special guest today is Dr. Jess Harvey, a registered Osteopath, Health Coach and Director of Head 2 Toe Health servicing Gold Coast and Brisbane. Jess is well qualified with 7 years of intensive tertiary study, including Master in Osteopathy. She has also completed Personal Training and Life Coach qualifications plus study with ACNEM, The Demartini Institute and The Barral Institute.

Friday Aug 23, 2024
How to Become a Medical Intuitive - with Dr Dolores Fazzino
Friday Aug 23, 2024
Friday Aug 23, 2024
We often marvel at the magical healing powers of the body against all odds. I’m sure many of you have heard stories of someone that was told to go home and get their affairs in order, yet they survived and thrived for years to come. Some people have discovered how to harness the power of Energy Medicine and Whole Person Healing – such as my special guest today Dr Dolores Fazzino DNP, a visionary healthcare expert known for integrating spirituality and wellness into conventional medicine. With over 40 years of experience as a Nurse Practitioner and Medical Intuitive, she has performed 18,500+ surgeries and collaborated with renowned specialists like Dr. Bernie Siegel.

Friday Aug 16, 2024
Use the Law of Attraction to Make Things Happen - with JJ Flizanes
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Friday Aug 16, 2024
If you know you can, then you can. Napoleon Hill wrote, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” That’s the key to unlock the door to freedom and empowerment, which enables more happiness and therefore better health. The problem is that most people don’t use this tool because they were never taught that they have the innate power. And if they believe only in limitations, that’s what they tend to attract. So how can we unlearn that which is not helpful?
My special guest today is JJ Flizanes, an Empowerment Strategist and the creator of the Empowering Minds Network. Through a series of clarifying exercises, she is able to teach the principles of the Law of Attraction and how it can work in our lives to help our heartfelt dreams come true.

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Why Worrying Gets You Nowhere - With Sophia Torrini
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
When bad news floods in via the TV everyday, it can become hard to find a bright side for many people. If the mind is on a cycle of worrying about things it can’t control, it causes excessive stress, which leads to ill health. Your thoughts create your reality via emotions. Understanding the strategy of changing negative thought patterns is the key to changing them. My special guest today is Sophia Torrini. She has a Master’s in Public Health/Epidemiology and is an advanced student and NCS certified trainer under the mentorship of Dr. Joe Dispenza. She specializes in breaking the cycle of negative thought patterns, fostering clarity, tranquility, and joy so that you can be your best self.

Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
If you are feeling as if it seems like there is no way out of circumstances, you may be surprised to find out there is always another way forward, but you had a blind eye to it. And why is that goal sometimes so elusive? The stress of holding a seemingly impassable position without release can severely impact health. My special guest today can help to unravel those mental blocks. Dr Peter Economou is Assistant Professor for the department of Applied Psychology, and the Director of Behavioral Health and Wellness for Rutgers University Athletics. Dr. Pete is a certified mental performance consultant through the Association of Applied Sport Psychology.https://thecwcnj.com/peter-j-economou-ph-d

Friday Jul 26, 2024
Problems With Detox for Those With MTHFR - with Rhiannon Neuharth
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
If our body can’t efficiently detox from metabolic wastes and environmental toxins, we can get an accumulation of clogged tubes and traffic jams in our internal rivers, which hinders electrical conductivity, oxygen delivery, and mitochondrial production of energy. This can open the doors to developing metabolic syndrome, diabetes and obesity. However, a juice fasting cleanse, which works well for some to cleanse the digestive system and drop some excess weight, can be a painful experience for others with the MTHFR gene, as it can exacerbate symptoms of SIBO - small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
My special guest today is Rhiannon Neuharth, a Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor, Board Certified Health Coach with the American Association of Natural Wellness Coaches, and a Board Certified member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. With a focus on individuals with MTHFR genetic issues, Rhiannon offers personalized support and guidance to help clients achieve optimal health and wellness in 90 days.https://www.instagram.com/mthfr_coach

Friday Jul 19, 2024
Coping With Your Adolescent - with Dr Larry Waldman
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Why do so many parents seem unable to cope with reigning in anti-social behaviours in teenagers? How do parents deal with abberant behaviours that get out of control? How do we help guide them towards becoming well balanced adults in the face of so many negative environmental influences?
My special guest today is Dr Larry Waldman, a professional psychologist, professor, speaker and author with 45 years of clinical forensic experience helping kids, families and attorneys. He has also authored 7 books.https://www.facebook.com/LarryWaldmanPhD/https://www.booktopia.com.au/coping-with-your-adolescent-larry-waldman/ebook/9780943247168.html

Friday Jul 12, 2024
How Canine Massage Helps Heal - with Blanca Rodriguez
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
As our pets share our environment, they are often subject to the same kinds of stresses and health issues as humans. They can suffer from anxiety, emotional wounds, magnesium deficiency symptoms and other health challenges. As with humans, our canine friends can also enjoy better health via nutrition and diet, combined with massage therapy.
My special guest today is Blanca Rodriguez, owner and CEO of Wounded Healer, which offers massage therapy for both humans and canines. She is a mentor at the American Massage Therapy Association, an holistic life coach and fitness instructor, a motivational speaker, podcaster, and Amazon best-selling book co-author.