
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Take the Challenge and Defeat the Fear - with Victor B Vizcaino
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Friday Nov 29, 2024
The art of the challenge involves stretching our boundaries in order to grow, strengthen and improve. But first we have to get over fear and self-doubt. How can we get out of a rut to meet the challenge when the rut means we are feeling unmotivated, low in energy, and with brain fog?
My special guest today is Victor Vizcaino, a transformational coach specializing in holistic marathon training. Victor empowers individuals to experience true transformation through running, focusing not just on physical endurance but also on mental resilience and personal growth.https://eymcoaching.com/

Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
How Medical Cannabis Can Help Resolve Auto Immune Conditions - with Dr Joseph Rosado
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Chronic pain and unrelenting inflammation are very debilitating symptoms causing excessive stress and even depression. Why are standard treatments like opioids, narcotics and other drugs failing to help people resolve their health problems? Are there natural alternatives that are more effective to treat these conditions without such dangerous side effects? Yes, it seems there are.
My special guest today is Dr Joseph Rosado, one of the world’s most respected medical authorities on cannabis as plant-based medicine. With over four decades of experience as a healthcare professional, he has written multiple articles for medical journals as well as seven books, including the bestselling Hope & Healing: The Case for Cannabis. https://josephrosadomd.com/

Friday Nov 08, 2024
How Can a Sound Bath Help Our Cells to Heal? - with Mike Reed
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Friday Nov 08, 2024
With the escalation in stress levels, inflammatory conditions and immune disorders we need good strategies to support the body so it can rebalance and heal. As we lose magnesium excessively under stress, and its deficiency can lead to inflammation and auto immune diseases, it makes sense to replenish with more magnesium to relax and calm the nervous system. Another powerful way to reduce stress to reset and strengthen both mentally and physically, is ‘sound bathing’.
My special guest today is Mike Reed, the founder of Sound Quest Academy, which trains sound healers in helping people to use the power of frequency and sound bathing to reduce stress, heal and strengthen their immune system. With a background in music, personal development, and shamanic practices, Mike has led thousands of people in sound healing sessions worldwide, blending his expertise in musicianship and spiritual healing.
https://soundquest.mykajabi.com/https://www.youtube.com/@soundquestacademyhttps://www.facebook.com/soundquest.soundhealing https://www.instagram.com/sound_quest

Friday Nov 01, 2024
When the Immune System Malfunctions - with Shruti Sethi
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Autoimmune diseases incorporate more than eighty related disorders, that range from common to very rare, and affect around 5% of people. They include diseases such as thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus erythematosus, vasculitis (which is inflammation of the blood vessels), and even cancer. My special guest today is Shruti Sethi, an holistic nutritionist and cancer coach, Energy Psychologist, Ayurveda and Yoga expert, dedicated to helping busy professionals and cancer survivors thrive through diet and lifestyle. Author of The Healing Power Within.

Thursday Oct 24, 2024
What Has Sunlight Got to do With Sleep and Health? - With Jason Yun
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
You may have heard many refer to us humans as beings of light, but what does that really mean? We know the body runs on bio-electricity and is also affected by electro-magnetic fields. Is it possible to get a kind of short-circuit that impacts health, and how can we recover better?
My special guest today is Jason Yun, a seasoned nutrition and fitness coach with a specialty in circadian biology and rhythms. Jason has created several courses, bootcamps and coaching programs related to Circadian Health and inspired by Dr Jack Kruse. http://www.improvementwarriorfitness.com/mitochondriac

Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
The Pros and Cons of Veganism - with Daina Rasutis
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Usually people adopt a vegan diet to treat digestive issues which relate to other cascading health problems. Initially it can produce fantastic results with energy, health and wellness, as the workload to digest food is lifted and the body uses the opportunity to detox. However, with prolonged use of this therapy, you can overshoot the mark with unwanted side effects caused by nutritional deficiencies.
My special guest today is Daina Rasutis. From Civil Engineer to Nutrition Therapist Master in her private practice Table to Crave, Daina utilizes her science background to run functional testing with a bio-individualized approach to nutrition, thereby improving gut health, digestive issues, and skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis. https://www.tabletocrave.com/

Thursday Oct 10, 2024
What Causes Ankles to Get Stiff, Painful or Prone to Injury? With Dr Rick Jacoby
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Flexibility and resilience of muscles and joints is a hallmark of youthfulness, but over time our ankles can become more restricted in movement, and therefore more prone to injury, arthritis, inflammation, neuropathy or venous ulcers. This condition not only causes pain, but impairs the ability to do exercise, which we need to maintain optimal blood circulation and vascular health.
My special guest today is Dr. Richard P. Jacoby, DPM, a board-certified podiatrist and director of Valley Foot Surgeons. With a career spanning over five decades, Dr. Jacoby specializes in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy with regenerative medicine and non-surgical solutions, including stem cell therapy. He believes neuropathy is a systemic issue that can manifest in conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, MS, autism, and Alzheimer’s. He also specialises in treatment of various foot and ankle conditions, including plantar fasciitis, sprains, and fractures. https://rickjacoby.com/ https://www.howtocarnivore.com/

Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Whether it’s Ritalin for ADHD, antipsychotics for those with a schizophrenia diagnosis, or antidepressants for those suffering nervous exhaustion, there are inevitably some people that do not respond well to the standard psychiatric medicinal treatments, and who suffer greatly from their side effects. In fact, it is widely disputed these days whether any small improvements in the other cases are significant enough to be counted, due to errors in testing and flaws in the studies. What may be some better alternatives to mental health treatments?
My special guest today is Dr Fred Moss, a distinguished psychiatrist, mental health advocate, and innovative thinker with over 40 years of experience in the field. As the creator of "Welcome To Humanity" and the "True Voice Course," Dr. Fred empowers individuals to discover and express their true selves. He's also the author of "Creative 8 - Healing Through Creativity and Self-Expression", and "Find Your True Voice!" https://drfred360.com/www.Welcometohumanity.net

Friday Sep 27, 2024
Getting Exactly What You Need in Life Via Meditation
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Have you heard a lot about meditation, tried it, but can’t get into it? Did you know that it can be adapted to suit individual needs and lifestyle? It can help us move into the slipstream of life, efficiently achieving our hopes and dreams to enjoy the game of life. It can help us harness the brain’s capacity to tap into knowledge, creativity, intuition, better health and more. My special guest today is Jeff Patterson, meditation instructor and author of ‘The Yielding Warrior’ book, as well as hundreds of instructional videos. With over 36 years of experience working with thousands of students globally, Jeff offers very practical strategies to harness your inner strength and best potential.

Friday Sep 13, 2024
Friday Sep 13, 2024
The invisible radiation spectrum in our environment can affect different people in different ways, depending on their sensitivity. If we can’t handle the level of exposures, we can develop chronic fatigue, headaches, metabolic syndrome, sleep disorder, anxiety, terrible mood swings, cancer and more. This is because those fields stress and depolarise our body’s own electrical field, therefore weakening our protections and resilience. There is however another level of stress caused by emotional trauma, which causes disease in the body. The background field of information, which is the ideal of what we are supposed to be (ie. our DNA blueprint), becomes corrupted by excessive stress and unresolved emotional traumas long before disease manifests in the physical body. Eventually cells obey the command of the field, so that they manifest a stronger more physical version of the corruption in the field. Find out how to correct the corruption in the field, resolve deep long held emotional issues, and restore cellular equilibrium and optimal health.
My special guest today is Sophia Torrini, who has a Master’s in Public Health/Epidemiology, and is an advanced student and NCS certified trainer under the mentorship of Dr. Joe Dispenza.